2023-08-23 12:47

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Cyber Security Is A Health & Safety Issue

Given the amount of health & safety documentation stored on USR laptops, mobile phones and desktop computers, including personal and sensitive information; cyber security really is an issue that Union Safety Reps need to take very seriously.

Not only do we carry such data in our mobile computing devices, we also often have personal data such as texts, phone numbers, and even photographs. Whilst these may be part of evidence gathering when doing safety checks or accident investigation, it can often be classed as confidential to not only individuals; but also employers.

So, data security needs to be taken very seriously, as data harvesting is big business not only to the likes of social media such as FB, X (Twitter), Tik-Tok, and Instagram; but if you loose your data storage gadget; it could be costly to you and your career.

It is not just Charities that need to have cyber security enabled

One of the biggest problems is mobile phones and the belief that they are safe from cyber security risks e.g. trojans, spam, phishing, and in particular data mining via wi-fi connection insecurity such as public free wi-fi services. It is easy to get software that allows someone nearby to snoop on your wi-fi connection and intercept messages and website data from the data stream transmitted via your wi-fi or bluetooth connection.

Additionally there is a type of snobbery out there that Apple phones are not at risk and are more secure than android phones - false!

To quote from the NCSC website:

"Many operating systems have malware protection software already installed. Windows 10 has a product called ‘Defender’ which meets the requirements set out in Cyber Essentials. Apple devices were previously considered to be a ‘safe bet’ and ‘immune from viruses’.

This is certainly no longer the case and, despite modern Apple Operating Systems containing malware protection mechanisms, it is strongly advised that people use an additional third-party program to ensure maximum security."

Firewall and antivirus software for both Apple and Android mobile equipment is indeed very necessary in order to protect your mobile phone, laptop, and tablet from those who would wish to steel your data. It is also important to ensure any sensitive data is backed up onto a separate hard drive and not carried around on your mobile phone, tablet or laptop once you no longer need daily access to it.

Be very careful when using GSM tracking programmes, and perhaps the best solution is to have the option turned off when not using a specific serviced that requires it, such as satnav applications or even security apps that use a GSM tracking app to locate your tablet/phone in the event you lose it.

There a realm of website that can help you in securing your mobile and office based data equipment. But before choosing your firewall or anti-virus software, ensure you do your research and choose the most reliable you can afford.

Oh, and by the way, free services are not usually the best to choice when needing tight security for your mobile phone or laptop/tablet. Nor is the software bundled with your phone/laptop necessary, the best for your machine or security needs.

For advice about 'Malware' (malicious software)

The National Cyber Security Centre website has a lot of information on how malware can get onto your devices, including your mobile equipment: Smartphones, Laptops, and tablets here

Source: unionsafety / National Cyber Security Centre

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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